Top 3️⃣ Reasons Why a Strong 💪 Recruiting Strategy is VITAL

How's Recruitment Looking for You These Days?

  • Are you finding the talent you want when you need it?

  • Are candidates accepting your offers?

  • Do you have a streamlined recruitment process, or are you reinventing the wheel with each search?

Let's dive into some key hiring considerations that can make or break your recruitment efforts.

1️⃣ The Cost of a Bad Hire

A bad hire is more than just a temporary setback. According to a study by the Department of Labor (DOL), the cost of a bad hire can amount to as much as 30% of the employee’s first-year earnings. This figure includes direct costs, such as recruitment and training, as well as indirect costs like diminished team morale, lost productivity, and potential damage to customer relationships. Investing in the right recruitment strategy upfront can save you from these costly mistakes.

2️⃣ Time to Fill Positions

Time is money, especially when it comes to recruitment. Research from Glassdoor indicates that the average time to fill a position is 23.8 days. However, companies with an effective recruiting strategy can significantly reduce this time, securing top talent quickly and keeping business operations running smoothly. A streamlined process not only attracts better candidates but also ensures you don’t miss out on the best ones.

3️⃣ Employee Retention

Once you’ve hired someone, the goal is to keep them. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), organizations with a strong recruitment strategy have a 28% lower employee turnover rate. A well-matched hire is more likely to be engaged, satisfied, and aligned with your company’s culture and goals, leading to higher retention rates and a more stable workforce.

How We Can Assist with Your Talent Acquisition Strategy

If your current recruitment process isn't delivering the results you need, we have a few solutions to help you revamp your approach:

  • Hire Us on a Project Basis: We can evaluate your recruitment needs and develop a customized strategy to improve your hiring process, ensuring you attract and retain the best talent.

  • DIY with Our Downloadable Hiring Guides: Designed for both union and non-union positions, our guides provide all the tools you need to make informed, strategic hiring decisions. These resources will help you save time, ensure consistency, and elevate your overall hiring process. (They will also support you from a legal perspective too, as your current interview process is likely full of [accidental] bias practices.)

  • Engage with Our Partners: We offer access to experts who focus on different aspects of recruitment. One partner specializes in recruitment strategy and marketing, while the other handles the recruiting for you. Together, they offer a comprehensive solution to your hiring challenges. We can chat about your needs (at no charge) and help you determine which one would be the best.

  • Take Our Online Course: Learn effective communication during interviews, in-depth training on protected classes, and our signature Interview & Selection Process Framework. This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to enhance your recruitment efforts.

If any of these options resonate with your current needs, let’s talk! We’ll be happy to connect you with the right resources to elevate your hiring strategy and make your life easier, so you can get back to leading in your business.


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