What we deliver.

What we deliver.

Let's talk specialties.

Over the last 20 years, we have had our hand in a lot of places. Below are the programs, packages, and roles where we can excel on your behalf.

Human Resources

  • Leadership Development Program

    eLearning Strategy

    Women In Leadership Program

    Business Foundations Training

    Compliance Training

    Analysis of Learning Management System Tools

  • Performance Review Process

    Creation/Implementation of process within HR/payroll system

    Employee Relations

    Development of career ladders

    Succession Planning

    Development/improvement of employee onboarding process

  • Preparation for Sale

    Reduction in Force



    Singular Role Elimination

  • Development of communications strategy

    Internal Brand positioning

    Drafting communications

    Assessment of tools for comms

    Communications policies

  • Analysis of HR/payroll software

    Development of a recruitment strategy

    Recruitment of a senior level role

    Compensation Analysis

    Analysis of Benefits brokers

    Handbook/policy development

  • Outsourced Chief Human Resources Officer

    Invite to Leadership meetings/board meetings

    Work together to develop/adjust people strategy

    Create long-term workforce planning

  • If you didn’t raise a dime of outside money or don’t currently have a Board, you likely still recognize the value of the structure, accountability, and mentorship that a Board of Advisors or Board of Directors can provide. This is a great fit for you if you’d like help layering on best practices, gaining outside perspective of someone who has worked in a variety of industries in a number of different seats. Adding a role like this to your team will take your company to the next level.

  • If you’re looking to add someone to your formal Board of Directors/Board of Advisors with deep experience in Human Resources and People Operations, I am a great option with 20+ years of COO/CHRO experience.


  • 1:1 sessions with identified future leader to prepare for advancement

    1:1 sessions with identified under performer at the leadership level

    1:1 group sessions with entire executive team to build trust/cohesiveness

    1:1 group sessions with executive team to build out strategy around a product offering or future initiative

  • Creation of internal mentorship program

    Peer mentoring program

    Leadership mentoring

    Succession planning support

    1:1 sessions with executive focused on their personal or professional development

    1:1 session with current HR or Operations leader to build upon their current skillset

  • Retreat programming and leadership for leadership team

    Guest speaking on identified topic for employee meetings

    How to ensure a great performance management process training for leaders of all levels

    Trust building sessions for leaders at all levels

    Session focused on building out a Mission, Vision and Values

    Mediation in difficult situations

People Operations

  • Preparation for sale

    M&A Strategy

    Interviewing potential Merger staff

    Integration Plan for new merge

    Analysis of P&L

    System Tools integration

  • Leadership Retreat

    EOS Model

    Quarterly Follow-Up


    Leadership Coaching

  • Leadership through RFP process

    Current Contract Analysis/Negotiation

    Future Contract Analysis/Negotiation

    Internal Implementation Planning for change in Tech Vendor(s)

  • Self-Assessment Process for Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

    Prepping for Application (MBNQA)

    Organizational Change Management

    Specific areas of focus identified through diligence

  • P&L Analysis

    Development of specific area strategy

    Process Analysis

    Analysis of external vendors

    Policy development

  • Outsourced Chief Operating Officer

    Invite to Leadership meetings/board meetings

    Work together to develop/adjust strategic plan

    Create long-term workforce planning

    Organizational Design

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