It's hard to recruit. But is it harder to retain?

Across all industries, we are seeing the data. Frontline workers are harder to recruit and retain than ever. But there are companies making strides in this area. What the heck are they doing to make a positive impact and keep folks around? 


  1. They empower their frontline workers with more control and flexibility. 

  2. They invest in employee-first tools and tech. 

  3. They rely on data insights to inform and improve employee experience. 

  4. They are focused on frontline workers’ development and well-being. 

  5. They listen to their frontline workers’ wants and needs. 


While reading a recent study, I saw the majority of organizations surveyed (56%) are grappling with frontline employee turnover that is higher than the historical average—and half of these organizations (49%) expect even greater turnover in the year ahead. They are less likely to invest in the frontline worker experience and more likely to focus on the short-term gain of filling positions—often at the expense of overall organizational outcomes. For today’s organization leaders (that's you), the time to improve the frontline worker experience is now.


While there are so many things we can do to positively impact this area, here are a couple ideas to roll around in your mind:

  • Implement an HR/payroll software to put more control and information in the hands of your employees. I know this seems big ticket, but these systems are more affordable than ever, and we offer implementation as a service at Salt & Light.

  • Think learning and development - when employees have opportunities to build new skills and progress, they feel more connected to their work and their employer. Almost half (49%) of Frontline Leaders in the report I read had invested in online training and development tools for the front line, compared with just 36% of organizations overall. We are all trying to attract skilled, ambitious people to join us at entry level and then stick around. Training and visibility of opportunities are enormous issues.

Want to talk through how we can make an impact in your organization? Contact us.


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