What could an outsourced HR Pro do for you?

I've had several business owners say, “We don’t have an HR person, but we don’t really need one. So, I’m not sure what you could even do for our company.”

And if you know me, I truly appreciate candor, so this response does not upset me.

It does, however, make me grin, because what I know is - 

you don’t know what you don’t know.

 Take a current client of mine, for example. The owner emailed me and asked to grab lunch. We sat down and he said, “My business is already run really well. We know what we’re doing. I’d like to work with you, but all we really need are performance reviews.”

And I was thrilled! I appreciate a person who knows what they want. I sent a follow up email a couple of days later to send my contract and kick off our engagement.

Here’s some of what I sent:

What you need-

Systematic Performance Management

Questions I have before we get started:

  • What’s the current process look like?

  • paper based

  • electronic

  • If paper, are you interested in electronic?

  • How do performance reviews/raises tie into your budgeting process?

  • Would you like annual raises to be calculated along with this process?

  • Are your managers trained in how to score employees?

Long story short - I’m three months in and here’s what I have accomplished for this client:

  • Bi-monthly employee newsletter to increase communication

  • Formal job descriptions created and shared with employee population

  • Career ladder graphics to show how each role can grow, what they need to get to the next level in their careers, etc.

  • Vetted, selected and implemented an HR/payroll software

  • Updates to employee policy manual (handbook)

  • And now, we are building out a massively upgraded performance management process to be rolled out early 2024 alongside a compensation data study to ensure we are paying their folks at the right level to retain and increase expectations.

If you’d like us to do a free consultation with you to see how we can make a positive impact on your organization, please email maddie@saltandlightadvisors.com to get scheduled.


It's hard to recruit. But is it harder to retain?


No HR department? No problem. HR department and negative vibes? We can help there too.